Friday, December 25, 2009


ok soooooo i love this holiday! cuz all my fam comes in town and we are sooooo crowded which i love! but this year Heidi Chris and Lexi arent comeing til Jan. but aunt Debbie uncle Kirk and Milli came. its been super fun. Autumn and Joel with their new baby Addie came yesterday. Joels leaving on Sun or Mon. but my sis and niece are staying here til after my bday! they're goin to utah with us too! im sooo excited... ok so now on to gifts...

first i got a present from sarah and austin. it was a book mark. it is fabric w/ green and pink stripes and at the bottom it hangs a glass circle with jewels with a big H in it! i love it. since i read alot. thats good. next i got a bottle of perfum from autumn called delicate petals. its pink and smells pretty good :). next i got ( i 'm no longer goin in order) a gift from ian. its a set of lotion, shower gel and spray called " twilight woods" they thought it would be funny with the twilight part. of course sarah smealls it and says " it smells just like edward!" heeh we all laffed so hard! next i got a present from my mississippi friends. it had a box in it but not a solid one its hard to expain but its wire and it has holes in it like a fence anyway it had a pink bag over it and inside it had a necklace and matching earings they are peace signs then there was an ornament in a silver star shape it says believe on it then 2009 on the back it says macys hehe i love it :). my mom got me a couple of things one was a necklace that is really cute its silver and white and has several dangles a couple hearts the biggest being chrystal. the a glittery ball and white dangley balls. i dont know. its cute tho. oh and last but not least i got... A PHONE!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):) i love it!!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

alot has happened since i last right so lets set this right. shall we?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

par tay!

ok on Saturday I'm goin to a party and its my friends Quinceanera so its kinda a big deal. she sent the invites 2months ahead of time! hehe anyway so as one of her only girlfriends i was sooooo happy about this. and don't get me wrong I'm still excited. but now shes got it so i dance with her boyfriend ( aka the guy who wants me dead) for one of the songs. which would be fine except i cant dance. hes of course been practicing for months because hes her "date". I'm goin to fall or trip or something i know it! he promised to be good but I'm not sure about that either so I'm stressing! ugh

Friday, August 21, 2009

school! ugh yipp

ok as most of you know school is back in session here in the desert! yayaya so im a big bad 9th grader! high schooler! anyone scared you should be... okay if your not just think im almost 15 and i can drive next summer... not scared yet? well ill be dating come 2011 now thats scary! hehe well anyway i also started seminary this year! its sooooo much fun! my teachers name is bro miller and hes awsum! i have read so much more in my scriptures then i ever have! and its only the second week ( yes thats sad) anyway so this year im gettin straight A's no excuses. im also in adv mixed chorus this year which is fun because... you guessed it! boys! i love all of them they are sooo funny! and now i have at least 1 class with all my friends which is great! tomarrow me and my friends ( or for any grammar buffs: my friends and i) are goin shoppin then to a party! yaya! so hopefully thats fun! well love ya all

Sunday, August 9, 2009

braces... joy!

a few weeks back my dentist ( whom i love and cant say anything bad about)( him being my best friend/sisters dad therefore my second dad and being the bishop) broke the news that sometime in the near future i would have to get braces.... don don don ( i know you can all here the menacing music) so this last week we, being my mom and me went to the it actually wasn't that bad.they were 10 min late so they gave us gift cards to jamba juice ( which even tho my mom promised has not been redeemed) and then he just took a look at my teeth then told us what i need: first off i just wanted to make it clear there is nothing wrong with my teeth to begin with. its my alignment. second i have to get an expander fun. not but other then that no crowding or anything just braces for 1 and 1/2 or so years no big deal really I'm tough! SAVE ME!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

oh my!

oh my so much has happened since june lets see...

first: after the sealing me my mother and ian had the chance to go stay with grandma walser for a couple of weeks. this has turned out to be a real family tradition to go see her and my grandfather every summer. that was really fun. one day i got to see my friends the bishops that live in the same town as my grandparents. we went quading up in the manti mountains it was one of the most beautiful sights ive ever seen! it was so fun seeing all of them!

second: GIRLS CAMP!!!! yeah! it finally came! this year i was a 3rd level! so i was the oldest staying with the ward! this year there was only 5 girls whitch made me sad at first but then i realised that they were all my friends and we made it fun! on sunday the bishop came down to have a devotionaland we surprized him! you see it was his 40th birthday! we knew this because his daughter ( aka my bff in this world( my sister michelle) told us! we made homemade icecream and cupcakes. that was a spirtual and fun day! i really love this one part of camp called solo scriptures. its a half hour each day where everyone goes of alone into the forest to study and pray! its soooooo spirtual and i love it sooo much! well anyway that was really great

but its not done yet...

normally the day after camp is for sleeping all day! but this year my parents had the idea " lets go to michigan the day after girls camp" smart i say! not!

we flew out at like 7 in the mornin the next day! (ugh) for michigan to see heidi and chris! the first couple of days were just kinda relaxing. on fri. we headed out tho for kirtland,oh. after sight seeing to niagra falls,canada. ( yes it was my first time out of the continental u.s.) for a day. then on to palmyra,ny for more church sight seeing. this was cool cuz we got to actually walk thru the sacred groves and i got to pray there for myself by myself. the spirit was very strong there also. the back home the next day! the ride home was horrible tho from palmyra. we were hungry tired and just wanted to get home! by the time we got back to michigan it was 2 in the mornin! we were so past tired. i pasted out on the couch ( luckily that was my bed that night). over all tho it was a fun trip. im glad i got to see them and play with lexi. ( btw lexi learned a new word. guess what it was? autobots!) * for anyone unfortunate enough to not know what that is they are the good guys off transformers* if your wondering yes ian taught it! hehe

well thats all so far. school soon pix later. sleep now!

Friday, June 19, 2009


this weekend my brother and his wife will have the opprotunity to be seled in the temple! the reason im writing this is because im way... i mean WAY excited for this! hehe brady will be sealed to them for all time and eternity and im just so happy! ( this also means more cake!) hehe after the sealing we are gettin together and having a get-together. that means food! this also means i get to see my brother and abunch of other family. ohhh goody!

youth conference

sorry i haven't been on for a while... here you go

ok may 28-30Th was youth conference. since me turning 14 didn't happen till this year this was my first one. I'm so glad i went! i went asking my heavenly father to help me with the problems i have been having especially with my testimony and i got to know the stake president! he was such a help and I'm glad i now know him. after much scripture studying and praying out in the middle of the woods i have a firm testimony that my heavenly father loves me. I'm so happy to know that some day i will be able to go back to live with him. I'm also glad i went because at one point we got split into grade levels. i had no idea so many of the people i see everyday at school were in my stake. i got to know them better and am pretty sure our relationships wont be as strained as before. i want to bear my testimony that i know this church is true and I'm so glad i have the gospel. I'm so happy for my family and that I'm sealed to them for eternity. i want to say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Friday, May 22, 2009


its official!!! its....... SUMMER! well in the no school sense anyway! its been hot for a while!! the last day of school was yesterday so!!!!! its time for vacation travelin and swimmin and eating!!!!! im soooo excited! cant wait!

the last couple of days were fun of school. the 2nd to last day i brought my moms camera ( yes they are back) to school and took 103 pictures!!! hehe heres some of them
right: aly and me

top: from right to left:natalie,me,breanna, aly,ang angela
right: me at lunch

me and dannika!

me and mrs colburn ( my chorus director)

me and natalie

from right to left:natalie,aly,and briielle

vampire poses

Friday, May 15, 2009

these are some pugs i found...

last friday of the school year!

yeah its almost over w/! but i came home sick! how weird i know but i wasnt surprised! ive been sick for weeks but at least im gettin my voice back!
tomarrow im hangin w/ my friends tho! hehe im goin over there real early ( i just watched oklamhoma sorry) and watch movies one after another till late at night! how fun! if you've ever seen the hulu commercials you know that our brains will be mush! hehe tomarrows theme is tragic love story.. we are watchin west side story,titanic,Casablanca...etc its going to be fun! jamies all day! not that i dont do that every sat. but still... hehe

Sunday, May 10, 2009

mothers day

ahhhhh sigh... alas mother is not back yet.... :(((((((((! tear!


me and Austin made dinner for Sarah ( it being her first mothers day and all)we made salmon and potatoes and veggies. then i made cookies ( i should rephrase the best dang cookies the most famous cookies you can ever eat! heaven on earth!) i talked to Heidi and grandma! that was fun. so the day was okay still wish mom was there but sigh...

if mom reads this... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! miss ya!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


this post is dedicated on the book i just finished.

okay i while being sick have read several books the past few days but the one i read today was especially good! the name of it is eternal and i encourage you to read it. its about vampire ( eternals) ( and before you stop reading this it is not like other vampire books) it also has love, passion, angels and lots of betrayal! its a pretty safe book except for the very few cuss words. other then that its a bit graphic but its okay. i loved it and it made me cry but don't worry its not that sad! read it!

also i just finished the 3rd book i the blue blood series. the series is very good. again a little more cussing but still not bad. the 3rd kinda freaked me out at the end but they are really good anyways. the forth comes out sometime soon. its about vampires again. but this series is the most different then Hollywood that Ive seen. it surprised me. the first book is called blue blood, 2nd masquerade, 3rd revelations. read them!


i decided i wanted some pix on this blog so heres a post on my nefew brady.

Brady Kenneth Glidewell was born on dec. 5th, 2008. he is my brother austin and sis in law sarahs son. he is soooooo adorible and i love having him so close to home. i am known to grab him when they walk in and just bring him to a room to play withhim for a while... hehe. my little brother tells me constinley that im a baby hog. hehe. well here are some pix of him.

leave me!

okay so on Tuesday of this week my sister and her husband Joel went to Washington. they are only going for a little while but then later will be moving there I'm pretty sure. then tomorrow my best friend cherry and her brother i think are going to Alaska for the whole summer. then the next day (sat.) my parents and their friends are going to Europe for 17 days! why does it seem everyone is leaving me? oh yeah cause they are...

Monday, April 27, 2009


this morning i went to school like the good little girl some people think i am. i got thru 1st period w/o causing many problems. my throat was hurting and i felt like i couldn't breathe but i had decided that i would at least try to go to school. then about 15 before class ended i get called up to the office. my thought was what did i do? but then my mom walks in and says i have to go. my question was of course why? she said that while i was at the doctors they checked for strep throat the quick way. it was negative. but they did the long way over the weekend just to be sure. ugh it was positive! so I've been walkin around w/ strep throat all this time! so we stopped by the pharmacy now i have to take pills and use the inhaler. yippee! not! so i hopefully can go to school tomorrow. hopefully! I'm stuck at home for now tho bored out of my mind. i would say call me but since my voice is still not really above a whisper probably not a good idea. I'll live i think tho...

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I've decided to write a post on why never to trust pugs... enjoy

the other day Tilly ( my adorable pug) was walking and as i watched she very sneakily turned around... i didn't see anything to look at at first but then as if Tilly was psychic i saw Annabelle( my sis autumns pug) hurry by w/ Tilly dog toy. at first i thought she would be mad but then i saw her ever so slightly turn towards her bed. as she lays down( circling first of course) i was thinking why isn't she mad at Anna? 5 min later i got my answer. we ( being my little brother and i) got up off the couch and saw it... the beloved chew treat. you know the kind the dogs drool over... raw hide. Tilly had hers nestled by her snug and secure but then on the other side hidden from Anna's view was Anna's treat. ever so often till would lick it too chew maybe but never show anyone she had it. my thought was man never get on the bad side of a pug they will steal your most prized possession just to see you cringe... oh sweet revenge!

PS: even tho things like this happen most of the time when the dogs are together this specific event did not happen. purely fictional. hope you enjoyed my boredom tho.

Friday, April 24, 2009


my throat has been buggin me the past couple weeks and as a singer you know that cant be good. well i lost my voice completely on Monday of this week ( if you know me you know that must have gotten me in a bad mood) well today i went to school like a good girl but was in the nurse by 1st hour. i couldn't breath right. i was sent home and to my surprise my mom took me to the doctor. he said i have a viral infection and larangitous ( or how ever you spell it) and i have to use an inhaler. me! and inhaler seriously? can you imagine? ugh so i have a solo in chorus coming up so I'm going to be good and use it so i can sing again... maybe so for now I'm silent! HAH like that could happen!


for Easter this year my mom (Alice) made me a skirt and we bought a shirt instead of the usual ( unsuccessful) trip to the mall for a dress. it turned out really nice. its light blue w/ purple and pink flowers. the shirt ( thanks to me) is purple w/a braided neck line. i love them and if i don't say so myself i looked good. i actually got up and did my hair sort of ( which if you know me is a big accomplishment). any way me and Ian ( little brother) got up and opened the presents from the Easter bunny. Ian got a water gun ( how ironic i know) and jelly beans along w/ the chocolate bunny. i got a necklace,earrings, jellybeans w/ my bunny. its was fun. we went to church and i sang twice. ( once w/ the ward choir and once w/ about 5 other girls) everything was great. we came home and i helped mom w/ dinner. Autumn and Joel ( sis. and husband) and Austin and Sarah ( bro and wife) came over along w/ Austin's son Brady. Brady's first Easter by the way. we had dinner. uncle David came too. then it was time again for the famous Glidewell Easter egg hunt! it was dark out by the time we started which would make it hard on any other family but not ours as we glared at each other waiting for the race to start mom says go! we race outside! we all had fun got eggs money and lots of candy! we came inside and watched Brady's new trick of flippen over then watched Marley and me. then night time and bed came... sleep...
okay...this is my new blog! hopefully this time i'll stick w/ it! ummm i guess i'll start w/ Easter...