so on Fri me and Aust and Sarah and Brady went out.... so we went to Jason's deli which was really good :) i love spending time with Brady and having to hang with the others is a price I'm willing to pay. sometimes... jkjkjkjk! hehe so after that we went by freestone park. it was really cool Austin kept tellin me id been before( but i don't think i have) it was awsum anyway tho. me and Sarah took some pix i have one we took... ill get the rest later :)
k so on wed. we have early release which is always exciting ( hey I'm in high school. its getting out of school for a couple hours. its exciting trust me) then on Fri. in math we'll celebrate PI DAY! yayayaya hehe which is just a lame reason to party and eat pie. I'm bring pecan :) hehe then after that ( 6th hour) we are officially on spring break! this is my first spring break being in high school. we're goin to Cali! yayayayayay me and sarah are sooooooo excited! yay a week of beach and Disneyland! who wouldn't be excited well... hw til then... bye til later