Friday, January 29, 2010

What about life?

so I'm now 15. i had one gift i wanted for my birthday. i got it. everyone that i wanted there for my bday was there ( except cherry but you know...). i had a party about a week later. my friend janey pretty much did it all by herself. shes amazing. it was a hit with everyone. but me. i don't why but i kinda had a meltdown on my actual birthday night. its not the greatest thing but you know.... it was alright. i got over it. now I'm 15. yay...

school resumed with out me. 2 days before i actually came. and on that fateful day no less. my friend brought me lunch. and a bear. i named him butterscotch. i carried him everywhere all day. Brady loved him when i got home.

the next week tho was even more memorable. i could care less about my birthday. but on Sunday the 10th i got a gift that can never taken away. its mine. and only mine. my Father gave it to me thru a wonderful man. Patriarch Bawden is one of the sweetest men i have ever met. and what i felt there that day. theres no words. even for me. so many answers came to me that day. I'm no longer afraid of the future. i have opportunities in my life if i keep the commandments. just because I'm not scared doesn't mean i know what exactly is going to happen. because i don't. I'm not sure i ever will. life is going to continue tho. with or without me. why should i be afraid tho when i know that my Father loves me and will protect me? I'm now planning on serving a full time mission. but you know if my Father wants me to get married or heck get a job that doesn't give me the opportunity to go then that his will. but for now I'm planing. which means i should probably get going on personal progress. huh... interesting. sis Morris was right.

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