written by a horribly romantic,awesomely awesome and not normal,wannabe country girl
Saturday, February 6, 2010
when we went out last night...
so Ian and dad had a camp out this weekend! yayayayayayayaya! so the house and the weekend was for all intents and purposes ours... we were soooo excited! so we went to see the movie Dear John.( major chick flick) i cried sooooo much! I LOVED IT THO! how can i not when half the time Channing Tatum didn't have a shirt on. hehe hes so lovely! and i love how hes married to the girl he did step up with! :) love him! and the girl in there is the same as in Mama Mia. shes really pretty but i think shes overrated. i think i should have been in there. they asked of course but i was too busy ( that was a joke) ;) anyway saw that then kinda shopped around then went to go get dinner. after bring panda home we watched ghost whisperer ( which comes on on Fri. and we LOve it!) then split up and i watched cartoons til 12:30 mom went to bed. this mornin i woke up to Sarah calling me. she dropped Brady off at about 8:15 and i watched him til about 11:40 or so. hes sooooo funny! love him. ( more then Channing) hehe right now I'm freshly out of the shower and getting ready for a party I'm going to. I'm excited its one of my best friends birthday and there are going to be guys and girls there ( for my age it IS a big deal! :P). i need to go get her a present tho... gotta go!
Friday, February 5, 2010
so this is a shout out to my sister. her name is autumn and although i dont say much or even act it. i love her. shes the only i have and am going to get tho i say others are... shes amazing and if you havent met her you should. hehe anyway. i guess im just missing her right now...
Monday, February 1, 2010
excellent they say.. well how can i argue?
my teacher in chorus told us today how we did in the regional thing on sat. ( look below at post called long day if you have no idea what I'm talking bout) the judge said i had an excellent rating. which isn't the best but its the second best. but for a freshman whose the most inexperienced of all who did it i did pretty dang well! hehe you guys probably don't care but i thought it was cool. btw does anyone even read this? if you do... plz comment. i feel like I'm talking to Tilly. seems fun but then you think about it and your talking to no one that cares.. hehehe
day one... MTC
woke up at 6. read the scriptures for 35 min. LOVE ETHER! and ESTER! ( hehe they sound similar) got up and ate breakfast... yum cereal. then took shower and go ready. then 30 min practicing on piano ( that's for you mom and sis Peterson). jammed to some daughter of a king. then off to school. 3rd hour seminary. cough cough i mean SMTC ( seminary missionary training center) watched a video about what it means to be a missionary. it was amazing i absolutely love my seminary leaders! they are really inspired men of God. then we got our calls but we couldn't open them til we got our companion. so we got those assignments. which was awesome because I'm with one of my best friends. well anyway we opened our calls. shes going to Indiana and I'm going to Milan, Italy. im so excited....... off to call my companion...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
heres to Autumn...
so my sister told me that need to write stuff like i have been on Facebook... so here i go.
Lately i have been really into " Daughter of a King" ( its a saying, its music and its in my case a life motivator and life style) It pretty much talks about how we are all daughters or sons of a king. not just a king but THE king. Heavenly Father isn't just what we call God out of respect. its what He is. He is our father. which makes us princes and princesses in a royal court that spreads over everything. and everyone. You may think that you have nothing in common with the
people around you. whether you see them at work, school, or even just on the street. but they are your sisters. your brothers. your family. we are all children of God. and we need to treat people as such. since its not just us. its everyone. no matter what they look like, act like or even the situation they are in they are our brothers and sisters. and Heavenly Father loves us. ALL OF US. no matter what.

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