Monday, February 1, 2010

excellent they say.. well how can i argue?

my teacher in chorus told us today how we did in the regional thing on sat. ( look below at post called long day if you have no idea what I'm talking bout) the judge said i had an excellent rating. which isn't the best but its the second best. but for a freshman whose the most inexperienced of all who did it i did pretty dang well! hehe you guys probably don't care but i thought it was cool. btw does anyone even read this? if you do... plz comment. i feel like I'm talking to Tilly. seems fun but then you think about it and your talking to no one that cares.. hehehe


  1. I read it! hey you should go to its on my site they have really cute backgrounds!! And use more pictures! <3 yah

  2. i just dont have a camera... i wish i did
