Saturday, June 26, 2010

1st month

the last day of school : after school we all went over tomy friends house and partied! we had a huge food fight with all kind of gross stuff. ewww ( pudding, whipped cream, macoroni salad, spam...etc) we got all gross than hopped in the pool we swam for a couple hours then went and had a huge bonfire. we set fire to all our school stuff. it was sooo fun smores came next then i went home and slept. ahhh felt good not to wake at 7 :)

on saturday mom left for caamp and i was officially the mom of the house. thats morning austin came and got me and ian and we slept over there that night. it was really fun. on sunday day came and had dinner with us then we went home.

monday mornin: i left for camp. that was really cool. we hiked like 15 miles and went cannoing
that was really fun. we came home on wed. a shower never felt so good ;) ian and dad left on monday of the next week for scout camp. a whole week with just mom and me. ( except for when austin comes ovr) that was a great week...