Saturday, September 4, 2010

all alone

yesterday i started thinking while i was alone. times like that never are good. i started thinking of my disappointments. my lost dreams and my hopes that i knew were never going to be. naturally i started getting depressed. i missed my cousin, my sister, my nieces and nephew and i was mad at my friends. right when i was getting to the crying part my mom came in. she stared to bug me to get me smile. then she just talked to me. Ive missed that. we've both been so busy, with both of our callings. i eventually told her why i down. i told her one of the reasons Ive been going to the temple so much ( to avoid my alone time and boredom and friends) and she told me i couldn't just not have friends. she said i was born to have friends. that i needed them. i got all defensive and hurt but in reality its true. I'm so glad i have a mom that isn't afraid to tell me things like that even tho it hurt. I'm also glad i have friends that are willing and worthy to go to the temple with me when i need to. i love them so much and am so grateful for them. :)