Saturday, September 4, 2010

on a better note

k so I'm officially pouring every part of me into my music ( like i wasn't doing that before). my piano is getting really good and I'm working on it continuously. I'm currently learning two songs ( one she assigned me the other I'm learning on my own to impress my teacher). chorus in high school has been so cool. its so different then in Jr high. I'm not afraid to sing out and be a "color voice". this means i have a big voice that projects awesomely. my family already knows I'm loud but surprisingly enough most everyone else doesn't. they think of me as 'quiet'. weird huh? yeah. so this year my goal is to sing out and be my self in chorus. along with my always goal to get all the solos and be a well known artist at my school. I'm working on it. Mr shrieber ( my chorus teach) really likes outgoing ppl so I'm trying out for EVERYTHING :) its goin to be great. I'm currently working on a solo for a tryout for something called all state jazz choir. for all those who have never heard of this it is a choir that high schooler from all over the sate of AZ come and audition for. its a huge deal if you make it in because there are only 20 ppl in this choir that means that there is only 5 bases( low men's voices) 5 tenors( higher men voices) 5 altos ( lower women's) and 5 soprano( high women) with me being a soprano. see sop is goin to be especially hard to get in since there are so many of us. oh and I'm only a sophomore so that's a added hardness. and i have like zip experience with jazz. but that's not keeping me from trying. I'm sooo excited. yay! moms also goin to get me voice teacher which I'm excited for! yay!