example A: ALICIA'S BDAY
Ok so on June 25th my best friend Alicia turned the great and holy age of 16 haha so of course we HAD to do SOMETHING haha
so at 5:30 in the morning me and Celine got into the car... ( the night before she came over and we made muffins and danced around and eventually slept. thats right a sleepover... my mom allowed it haha this time) and drove over to Alicia's house where her mom was waiting ( we coordinated with her) to open the door and let us in. she video taped everything haha... anyway we went into her room ( Alicia's not Sis Ferrin) and blind folded her and dragged her out of bed haha then took her to the door
haha thats us : me, Alicia and Celine
we proceeded to my house for muffins and fruit haha lets just say my new nickname is Mac Celines Cheese and Alicia's victim haha a couple of other ppl were at the house and it was real fun.
So later on i went to Austins party( see above) onto Alicia's. it was real fun and we danced and partied and played Just Dance 2 and TWISTER haha