Friday, April 24, 2009


my throat has been buggin me the past couple weeks and as a singer you know that cant be good. well i lost my voice completely on Monday of this week ( if you know me you know that must have gotten me in a bad mood) well today i went to school like a good girl but was in the nurse by 1st hour. i couldn't breath right. i was sent home and to my surprise my mom took me to the doctor. he said i have a viral infection and larangitous ( or how ever you spell it) and i have to use an inhaler. me! and inhaler seriously? can you imagine? ugh so i have a solo in chorus coming up so I'm going to be good and use it so i can sing again... maybe so for now I'm silent! HAH like that could happen!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you're really sick, Hallie. I hope you feel better in time for your solo.
