About the rest of the choir things I was in this last week:
the concert: I have never even been to a high school choir before so it was a bit overwhelming but fun. we kind of got confused with some standing orders and some people sat in our seats so we were stuck in the back but it was still fun. I loved listening to all the different choirs. this will be the only time this year that all the choirs will be in one concert so it was nice to hear. and I was glad to hear them so I could pick which choirs I may want to be in next year. after the concert we went out to apple bees with Heidi and Chris and their little ones. It was good.
festival: the next day we went to a festival in chandler. we performed really well and the guy that came and critiqued us really thought we did well. he knew our director and they kind joke fighted the whole time. and because the boys weren't there i turned pages at the piano with my friend rella. it made me feel important. :) then after that we all got on the bus and drove to where they would drop us off for lunch. none of us knew where we were going so that was interesting. and we all got dressed on the bus! Ive never done it before and didn't think that i would but apparently i do have those skills. ok so they dropped us off and we had an hour. so a group of friends and i walked over to apple bees ( yes I did have it two meals in a row) ( yes I had the same thing) and had a very nice lunch. then about 10 min before we had to be on the bus ( yes they would leave us) we ran over to jack in the box for shakes. ( yes they were good. yes they made me sick cuz i was full) then we drove to school. we got to school a half hour earlier then was expected but we didn't want to go to class so we ( me and my friends) walked around and i finished my homework i hadn't done :) then onto class..
written by a horribly romantic,awesomely awesome and not normal,wannabe country girl
Saturday, October 2, 2010
too bad
ok I feel bad. I was planning on doing auditions. I promise I was. hehe k so on Thursday night I realised that the jazz choir auditions were the next day and I didn't know the song! dang eh? yeah well I tried and tried but after all I just didn't feel good about it so I knew I wouldn't be doing auditions this weekend. so my next trial was telling my director. eekkk ok so this year in chorus is called the audition year because we have to be in the sophomore choirs but next year they choose which choir we're in. so everything we do this year is going to say something to the directors you know? no pressure or anything! so when I realised I had to tell him this I was terrified! I started thinking of ways to do it or to just not do it and not show up. but that thought didn't last long. I knew that I couldn't live with that. as much as it scared me to have to say something like this to me I knew that that's not who I am. and what wouldn't he think of me then? so I debated for two days and finally went to him yesterday. fully expecting the disappointed look and a speech. but when I told him why I couldn't do it ( big projects at school I wasn't expecting and all the family things this last week) he totally understood and all he said about it was that he'd call them and let them know. and smiled at me. SMILED! hehe I'm so lucky to have a conductor like him and I love being in his class!
Friday, September 24, 2010
k so this weekend my oldest brother and his family are coming in town to bless their youngest daughter. autumn and joel are also in town as of yesterday to meet this new addition to the family. so that means all the glidewell clan will be here. this hasn't happened since my birthday and even then we didnt have christine here with us yet. I'm so excited to meet her and to spoil lexi until they leave. bradys about to be an older brother and having all the babies here i think will help the transition. wow this weekends goin to rock.
then next Tuesday i have my fist official chorus concert at mvt! im sooooo excited. even tho i don't have any big important parts I'm excited cuz this is the first concert in a long while that i will be singing with all my strength and might. i just hope someone comes and sees me...
then the next day we have a festival that mr shrieber is taking us too. normally the most adv group goes but he decided to take us instead! isnt that awsome! so i miss practically all of school that day! yayayaay! but then we come back for 5th and 6th hour which happen to be math and science. bummer right? well i guess then i don't have to make them up so its ok..
then that weekend i have auditions for Allstate jazz choir. im freaking out! and its the same day as conference! dang!!!! right? wrong. my director as awesome as he is called the ppl up who are in charge of Allstate jazz things and told them what was up. he had them open up a night just for us! hes so good to us! yayayay! so yeah... music can finally take prominence now that this stupid book report is done! yayayayay!
then next Tuesday i have my fist official chorus concert at mvt! im sooooo excited. even tho i don't have any big important parts I'm excited cuz this is the first concert in a long while that i will be singing with all my strength and might. i just hope someone comes and sees me...
then the next day we have a festival that mr shrieber is taking us too. normally the most adv group goes but he decided to take us instead! isnt that awsome! so i miss practically all of school that day! yayayaay! but then we come back for 5th and 6th hour which happen to be math and science. bummer right? well i guess then i don't have to make them up so its ok..
then that weekend i have auditions for Allstate jazz choir. im freaking out! and its the same day as conference! dang!!!! right? wrong. my director as awesome as he is called the ppl up who are in charge of Allstate jazz things and told them what was up. he had them open up a night just for us! hes so good to us! yayayay! so yeah... music can finally take prominence now that this stupid book report is done! yayayayay!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
on a better note
k so I'm officially pouring every part of me into my music ( like i wasn't doing that before). my piano is getting really good and I'm working on it continuously. I'm currently learning two songs ( one she assigned me the other I'm learning on my own to impress my teacher). chorus in high school has been so cool. its so different then in Jr high. I'm not afraid to sing out and be a "color voice". this means i have a big voice that projects awesomely. my family already knows I'm loud but surprisingly enough most everyone else doesn't. they think of me as 'quiet'. weird huh? yeah. so this year my goal is to sing out and be my self in chorus. along with my always goal to get all the solos and be a well known artist at my school. I'm working on it. Mr shrieber ( my chorus teach) really likes outgoing ppl so I'm trying out for EVERYTHING :) its goin to be great. I'm currently working on a solo for a tryout for something called all state jazz choir. for all those who have never heard of this it is a choir that high schooler from all over the sate of AZ come and audition for. its a huge deal if you make it in because there are only 20 ppl in this choir that means that there is only 5 bases( low men's voices) 5 tenors( higher men voices) 5 altos ( lower women's) and 5 soprano( high women) with me being a soprano. see sop is goin to be especially hard to get in since there are so many of us. oh and I'm only a sophomore so that's a added hardness. and i have like zip experience with jazz. but that's not keeping me from trying. I'm sooo excited. yay! moms also goin to get me voice teacher which I'm excited for! yay!
all alone
yesterday i started thinking while i was alone. times like that never are good. i started thinking of my disappointments. my lost dreams and my hopes that i knew were never going to be. naturally i started getting depressed. i missed my cousin, my sister, my nieces and nephew and i was mad at my friends. right when i was getting to the crying part my mom came in. she stared to bug me to get me smile. then she just talked to me. Ive missed that. we've both been so busy, with both of our callings. i eventually told her why i down. i told her one of the reasons Ive been going to the temple so much ( to avoid my alone time and boredom and friends) and she told me i couldn't just not have friends. she said i was born to have friends. that i needed them. i got all defensive and hurt but in reality its true. I'm so glad i have a mom that isn't afraid to tell me things like that even tho it hurt. I'm also glad i have friends that are willing and worthy to go to the temple with me when i need to. i love them so much and am so grateful for them. :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
school has started. yay! even though i was terrified to start at a new school it has been way easier then i expected and i am so grateful to have the friends i do to help me thru it. so far its been okay...
ok so you know how my sis has been here for the past couple of months? yeah so i was just about sick of having her here when it hit me that she wouldn't be here for much longer. i have not always had a great relationship with her and even though its been weird to be on talking terms with her I'm getting used to it and surprising enough enjoying it. yesterday my sister and her daughter ( aka my little baby) left to go back to Washington. its so weird not having them here and i miss them like crazy but i guess I'll have to dredge up the strength to go on. oh well...
so this Thursday in chorus we're having a party of sorts. I'm soooooo excited! its the annual choir shindig!!!!! yeah! ( yes that's its official name!) most of friends are in chorus with me so they'll be there. and most of those who aren't are still in chorus so they'll be there too. including most of my guy friends... including a really good guy friend;)! again i say I'm soooo excited!
so me and my sister while she was here went on a diet. now i know your thinking of starving yourself and sugar withdrawals but let me tell you it actually worked. at first when she told me she wanted to do it i said no way! are you kidding me? Hallie on a diet? me on a diet? please! but then i started thinking bout it. i was about 2 weeks from starting high school, terrified of high school, and wanting the boys( of course) to notice me. so whats a girl to do? well so i decided to do it. ( after some begging from autumn of course) ok so this thing is called hcg diet. weird huh? yeah so its a natural diet that resets your metabolism. that's why it works! i lost like 17 pounds on it. in 2 weeks! and now my metabolism is reset and way faster so all in all it worked great ( except that my brand spanking new buckle jeans( yes Heidi and autumn have converted me to buckle) are big on me :() so yeah... hehe
ok so you know how my sis has been here for the past couple of months? yeah so i was just about sick of having her here when it hit me that she wouldn't be here for much longer. i have not always had a great relationship with her and even though its been weird to be on talking terms with her I'm getting used to it and surprising enough enjoying it. yesterday my sister and her daughter ( aka my little baby) left to go back to Washington. its so weird not having them here and i miss them like crazy but i guess I'll have to dredge up the strength to go on. oh well...
so this Thursday in chorus we're having a party of sorts. I'm soooooo excited! its the annual choir shindig!!!!! yeah! ( yes that's its official name!) most of friends are in chorus with me so they'll be there. and most of those who aren't are still in chorus so they'll be there too. including most of my guy friends... including a really good guy friend;)! again i say I'm soooo excited!
so me and my sister while she was here went on a diet. now i know your thinking of starving yourself and sugar withdrawals but let me tell you it actually worked. at first when she told me she wanted to do it i said no way! are you kidding me? Hallie on a diet? me on a diet? please! but then i started thinking bout it. i was about 2 weeks from starting high school, terrified of high school, and wanting the boys( of course) to notice me. so whats a girl to do? well so i decided to do it. ( after some begging from autumn of course) ok so this thing is called hcg diet. weird huh? yeah so its a natural diet that resets your metabolism. that's why it works! i lost like 17 pounds on it. in 2 weeks! and now my metabolism is reset and way faster so all in all it worked great ( except that my brand spanking new buckle jeans( yes Heidi and autumn have converted me to buckle) are big on me :() so yeah... hehe
Monday, July 19, 2010
Imagine a green, dark and full as a Christmas tree; now remember a green as light and airy as a spring day in grandma's back yard, picking apples laughing. Now imagine the yellow I see - the yellow that makes you grin, sunshiny, that makes the world happy, now imagine those colors and feelings mixing and mingling with red tips coming to view. This is what I see. This is my view.
i wrote this in Oregon on the drive up the coast. its so beautiful up there!
i wrote this in Oregon on the drive up the coast. its so beautiful up there!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
wow this was my first year of EFY and it was amazing. ( for those of you who don't know know what EFY is its this: especially for youth) i went to Provo BYU campus for this year. my roommate was Dannika. it was sooo fun. we met a lot of good people who i hope will be my friends for a long while. we had amazing classes and dorms( lets get this straight: everything was amazing) it was really cool getting to know the campus and living in dorms me and Dannika kept saying we were students and we really did feel independent. our counselors were really cool too. they helped a lot with everything. all in all it was, yes you guessed it, AMAZING! out company's name was Por Que??? hehe yeah it was awesome :)
1st month
the last day of school : after school we all went over tomy friends house and partied! we had a huge food fight with all kind of gross stuff. ewww ( pudding, whipped cream, macoroni salad, spam...etc) we got all gross than hopped in the pool we swam for a couple hours then went and had a huge bonfire. we set fire to all our school stuff. it was sooo fun smores came next then i went home and slept. ahhh felt good not to wake at 7 :)
on saturday mom left for caamp and i was officially the mom of the house. thats morning austin came and got me and ian and we slept over there that night. it was really fun. on sunday day came and had dinner with us then we went home.
monday mornin: i left for camp. that was really cool. we hiked like 15 miles and went cannoing
that was really fun. we came home on wed. a shower never felt so good ;) ian and dad left on monday of the next week for scout camp. a whole week with just mom and me. ( except for when austin comes ovr) that was a great week...
on saturday mom left for caamp and i was officially the mom of the house. thats morning austin came and got me and ian and we slept over there that night. it was really fun. on sunday day came and had dinner with us then we went home.
monday mornin: i left for camp. that was really cool. we hiked like 15 miles and went cannoing
that was really fun. we came home on wed. a shower never felt so good ;) ian and dad left on monday of the next week for scout camp. a whole week with just mom and me. ( except for when austin comes ovr) that was a great week...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
pArTy!!! PaR-tAy!!!
wow so been awhile since ive been on. so schools almost over and summers almost here. wow that was cheesy. so my friend had her birthday party this last weekend. it was sooooo great! i loved it. i love my friends so much. the theme was pirates versus ninjas ( ninjas being the superior race) we went on a scavenger hunt and then had a water balloon fight. hehe we gave up on staying dry and jumped in the pool. it was great. pushing ppl in. chicken fights. im still sore from that. it was soooo fun tho. good times...
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
k so for spring break ( as title shows) we went to california! yeah baby :) the fam ( including aust sarah and lil brady) all went along. so we left on sat. made it there on sun ( us staying at a hotel sat night) and on mon. the fun began. im not goin to account all the days min by min. but we went to get pedies ( for anyone that doesnt know what that is SHAME ON YOU!)( btw its getting a massage and getting our toes painted :) heaven) we loved it. sarah almost feel asleep. good times. anyway we went to the beach a few times, body surfed, went to sea world 2 times and just hung out. it was great fun :) well gotta go eat now :) pix later byes
Saturday, March 13, 2010
ahhhh cute :)
i have a friend who i have known like my whole life... our families have been friends for like ever. her older brother got married yesterday so i went to the reception to help out and stuff. it was really cute. her colors where teal and black and white. it was in my friends backyard but it was like transformed. lights everywhere. there were tables with lil cupcakes and cheesecake bites and an ice cream buffet. it was awsome! hehe i love this family so much. they are the nicest you could meet like anywhere. what was so cool was that the bride was my other friends older sis. so you confused at all? no? good. so now caleb ( brides bro) and dannika ( grooms sis) now say they are related. they're like brother and sister :) hehe i love it! well it turns out i wasnt the only one there just for dannika. our friend neelum was there along with a bunch of calebs friends. it was a blast. we got so hyper off of ice cream and cake :) we danced around and tried to catch the bouquet but a lil boy who was like a lil cousin of someone ( he was like 5) caught it! ahhhhh man! a lil boy!!! we decided to be nice and not challenge him to a wrestle rematch or anything ( dannika was really upset :) jk) and went on our way. on the cute couples way out we stood on both sides in a line and had sparklers ( which was probably illegal( dont tell the feds)) and threw fruit loops at them ( get it? instead of rice? the groom really likes fruit loops) hehe it was cute. they drove away in a beat up bug. it was decorated cute and they chugged along great! heeh well then we cleansed up and neelum caked dannika in the face with teal frosting. it was great. then later we flung whipped cream and dann it was soooo funny ( poor girl) neelum ran away and while she was gone we all got whipped cream in our hands to fling at her. but she didnt come out. the whimpo! she saw us and was to chicken to come out! hehe we'll have to get her some other time :D well then we went home. ian was watching sleepy hollow. watched that til the end then went to bed :) well bye bye
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
kkkkkkk ... catching up part two

so on Fri me and Aust and Sarah and Brady went out.... so we went to Jason's deli which was really good :) i love spending time with Brady and having to hang with the others is a price I'm willing to pay. sometimes... jkjkjkjk! hehe so after that we went by freestone park. it was really cool Austin kept tellin me id been before( but i don't think i have) it was awsum anyway tho. me and Sarah took some pix i have one we took... ill get the rest later :)
k so on wed. we have early release which is always exciting ( hey I'm in high school. its getting out of school for a couple hours. its exciting trust me) then on Fri. in math we'll celebrate PI DAY! yayayaya hehe which is just a lame reason to party and eat pie. I'm bring pecan :) hehe then after that ( 6th hour) we are officially on spring break! this is my first spring break being in high school. we're goin to Cali! yayayayayay me and sarah are sooooooo excited! yay a week of beach and Disneyland! who wouldn't be excited well... hw til then... bye til later
catching up... part one. blessings
so life lately has been extremely stressful. but i want to take this moment to list all the things in my life that I'm so grateful for. i don't do it enough but I'm so thankful to my Heavenly Father for so much. so here goes
my family- even tho we get into fights like all the time I'm so thankful to have a family i can count on. even though i don't get to see my bro and sis that live out of town and their chilens i am thankful that i have them to talk to when i can.
my friends- ok so this is a subject i could complain a lot about but i also have a lot that Ive been blessed with in this area. i have a bunch of great friends and I'm grateful i have been given the opportunity to help them with their trials. it helps me so much with mine.
love- ok so yes I'm too young for this category but we all know that i am a very hopeless romantic so to not put it in there would be like lying cuz its a huge part of my life. hehe I'm so blessed to have so many people to love and that love me. and yes crush included.
the Gospel- ahhh i don't know how much i can say about this. its my life. my heart. my soul. i love the church and all it stands for with all my heart. Heavenly Father has been the best dad i could ask for. Hes always there for me and with me. my older brother also. He is my Savior. my anchor. my salvation. and He is everything i could want in a brother. never judgmental and always loving me. even when i feel alone it helps beyond measure that i know Hes there for me. i love Him :)
well my list could go on but you get the point :)
my family- even tho we get into fights like all the time I'm so thankful to have a family i can count on. even though i don't get to see my bro and sis that live out of town and their chilens i am thankful that i have them to talk to when i can.
my friends- ok so this is a subject i could complain a lot about but i also have a lot that Ive been blessed with in this area. i have a bunch of great friends and I'm grateful i have been given the opportunity to help them with their trials. it helps me so much with mine.
love- ok so yes I'm too young for this category but we all know that i am a very hopeless romantic so to not put it in there would be like lying cuz its a huge part of my life. hehe I'm so blessed to have so many people to love and that love me. and yes crush included.
the Gospel- ahhh i don't know how much i can say about this. its my life. my heart. my soul. i love the church and all it stands for with all my heart. Heavenly Father has been the best dad i could ask for. Hes always there for me and with me. my older brother also. He is my Savior. my anchor. my salvation. and He is everything i could want in a brother. never judgmental and always loving me. even when i feel alone it helps beyond measure that i know Hes there for me. i love Him :)
well my list could go on but you get the point :)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
no parents. every teens dream! right? right? not
k so my mom and dad went to Florida for a business trip. without me of course. ugh! fine whatever. hehe. so Austin and Sarah came and stayed with me and Ian for the weekend. so Friday night we went shopping and i got a cute pink shirt. go gift cards. then we went to dinner where i wanted to go for once. red robin. yummmm hehehe ( inside joke) i got chicken fingers with fries. with a freckled lemonade. yum. one of my favorite meals. i get it every time! hehe :) then came home and watched up! yay! its funny. but kinda sad. anyway. then tonight we went to the superstition mall and i didn't get anything but then we went to dinner. k so aust and Sarah are kinda obsessed with this show called dinners drive in and dives or something like that. so this is the 2nd time we have gone to a restaurant that was on there. the 1st time was a place that was owned by the same company that owns one of my families favorite restaurant. Joe's BBQ. this was called Joe's farm house. it was interesting. anyway tonight we went to a place called chino bandito or something like that. it mixes Mex and Chinese food. it sounds gross i know but it was pretty good. i had teriyaki i love teriyaki ! yummmm then we came home and now we are going to watch the notebook. ( yes aust likes it)( yes you may bug him bout it) then step up! yay! church at 8. fun oh! love ya! byes
Saturday, February 6, 2010
when we went out last night...
so Ian and dad had a camp out this weekend! yayayayayayayaya! so the house and the weekend was for all intents and purposes ours... we were soooo excited! so we went to see the movie Dear John.( major chick flick) i cried sooooo much! I LOVED IT THO! how can i not when half the time Channing Tatum didn't have a shirt on. hehe hes so lovely! and i love how hes married to the girl he did step up with! :) love him! and the girl in there is the same as in Mama Mia. shes really pretty but i think shes overrated. i think i should have been in there. they asked of course but i was too busy ( that was a joke) ;) anyway saw that then kinda shopped around then went to go get dinner. after bring panda home we watched ghost whisperer ( which comes on on Fri. and we LOve it!) then split up and i watched cartoons til 12:30 mom went to bed. this mornin i woke up to Sarah calling me. she dropped Brady off at about 8:15 and i watched him til about 11:40 or so. hes sooooo funny! love him. ( more then Channing) hehe right now I'm freshly out of the shower and getting ready for a party I'm going to. I'm excited its one of my best friends birthday and there are going to be guys and girls there ( for my age it IS a big deal! :P). i need to go get her a present tho... gotta go!
Friday, February 5, 2010
so this is a shout out to my sister. her name is autumn and although i dont say much or even act it. i love her. shes the only i have and am going to get tho i say others are... shes amazing and if you havent met her you should. hehe anyway. i guess im just missing her right now...
Monday, February 1, 2010
excellent they say.. well how can i argue?
my teacher in chorus told us today how we did in the regional thing on sat. ( look below at post called long day if you have no idea what I'm talking bout) the judge said i had an excellent rating. which isn't the best but its the second best. but for a freshman whose the most inexperienced of all who did it i did pretty dang well! hehe you guys probably don't care but i thought it was cool. btw does anyone even read this? if you do... plz comment. i feel like I'm talking to Tilly. seems fun but then you think about it and your talking to no one that cares.. hehehe
day one... MTC
woke up at 6. read the scriptures for 35 min. LOVE ETHER! and ESTER! ( hehe they sound similar) got up and ate breakfast... yum cereal. then took shower and go ready. then 30 min practicing on piano ( that's for you mom and sis Peterson). jammed to some daughter of a king. then off to school. 3rd hour seminary. cough cough i mean SMTC ( seminary missionary training center) watched a video about what it means to be a missionary. it was amazing i absolutely love my seminary leaders! they are really inspired men of God. then we got our calls but we couldn't open them til we got our companion. so we got those assignments. which was awesome because I'm with one of my best friends. well anyway we opened our calls. shes going to Indiana and I'm going to Milan, Italy. im so excited....... off to call my companion...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
heres to Autumn...
so my sister told me that need to write stuff like i have been on Facebook... so here i go.
Lately i have been really into " Daughter of a King" ( its a saying, its music and its in my case a life motivator and life style) It pretty much talks about how we are all daughters or sons of a king. not just a king but THE king. Heavenly Father isn't just what we call God out of respect. its what He is. He is our father. which makes us princes and princesses in a royal court that spreads over everything. and everyone. You may think that you have nothing in common with the
people around you. whether you see them at work, school, or even just on the street. but they are your sisters. your brothers. your family. we are all children of God. and we need to treat people as such. since its not just us. its everyone. no matter what they look like, act like or even the situation they are in they are our brothers and sisters. and Heavenly Father loves us. ALL OF US. no matter what.

Saturday, January 30, 2010
long day...
so this morning i woke up freaking out! there is a thing called solo and ensemble. or regionals for those of you who don't know what that is... the solo part is just that a solo. you sing or play or whatever you do musically for a judge. he( or she) tells you how good you were then what you might have done wrong. ensemble is the same but its more the one person. regionals is an audition for the regional choir. its a session of sight reading then a solo. not that you care bout that but to fill you in. hehe so this morning i was freaking cuz i had a solo and a duet! ugh! stress. hehe so i left at 11:45. practiced with duet partner Breanna til 12:0, drove to highland high school ( for those of you who don't know the significance. its in another town and pretty far away) then had the duet at 1:30. hung around. encouraged friends. brown nosed teachers. til 2:20. then did my solo. i did really bad but you know. its experience. he told me i had a great voice. and to keep singing. i just need to practice breath support ( that's complicated singer talk for not breathing in the middle of words or when I'm not supposed to). Ive always had problems with that. anyway... rest of the day was boring and disappointing but right now I'm writing and eating brownies so its not too bad. oh well...
Friday, January 29, 2010
"why school hasnt killed me off yet" - angela cava
What about life?
so I'm now 15. i had one gift i wanted for my birthday. i got it. everyone that i wanted there for my bday was there ( except cherry but you know...). i had a party about a week later. my friend janey pretty much did it all by herself. shes amazing. it was a hit with everyone. but me. i don't why but i kinda had a meltdown on my actual birthday night. its not the greatest thing but you know.... it was alright. i got over it. now I'm 15. yay...
school resumed with out me. 2 days before i actually came. and on that fateful day no less. my friend brought me lunch. and a bear. i named him butterscotch. i carried him everywhere all day. Brady loved him when i got home.
the next week tho was even more memorable. i could care less about my birthday. but on Sunday the 10th i got a gift that can never taken away. its mine. and only mine. my Father gave it to me thru a wonderful man. Patriarch Bawden is one of the sweetest men i have ever met. and what i felt there that day. theres no words. even for me. so many answers came to me that day. I'm no longer afraid of the future. i have opportunities in my life if i keep the commandments. just because I'm not scared doesn't mean i know what exactly is going to happen. because i don't. I'm not sure i ever will. life is going to continue tho. with or without me. why should i be afraid tho when i know that my Father loves me and will protect me? I'm now planning on serving a full time mission. but you know if my Father wants me to get married or heck get a job that doesn't give me the opportunity to go then that his will. but for now I'm planing. which means i should probably get going on personal progress. huh... interesting. sis Morris was right.
school resumed with out me. 2 days before i actually came. and on that fateful day no less. my friend brought me lunch. and a bear. i named him butterscotch. i carried him everywhere all day. Brady loved him when i got home.
the next week tho was even more memorable. i could care less about my birthday. but on Sunday the 10th i got a gift that can never taken away. its mine. and only mine. my Father gave it to me thru a wonderful man. Patriarch Bawden is one of the sweetest men i have ever met. and what i felt there that day. theres no words. even for me. so many answers came to me that day. I'm no longer afraid of the future. i have opportunities in my life if i keep the commandments. just because I'm not scared doesn't mean i know what exactly is going to happen. because i don't. I'm not sure i ever will. life is going to continue tho. with or without me. why should i be afraid tho when i know that my Father loves me and will protect me? I'm now planning on serving a full time mission. but you know if my Father wants me to get married or heck get a job that doesn't give me the opportunity to go then that his will. but for now I'm planing. which means i should probably get going on personal progress. huh... interesting. sis Morris was right.
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